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D-Day at Omaha Beach (5th Printing)
D-Day at Omaha Beach (5th Printing)
Price: $100.00

D-Day at Omaha Beach (5th Printing) recreates America’s most bloody and heroic day of World War II. In this solitaire game from the designer of the solo classics RAF and Ambush, you control the forces of the US 1st and 29th Divisions landing under fire on the Normandy shore, and struggling desperately to establish a viable beachhead. The game is also great for two players playing cooperatively, each controlling one US division.
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Midway Solitaire Deluxe
Midway Solitaire Deluxe
Price: $69.00

Midway Solitaire follows the campaign in the Pacific Theater of Operations from April to June 1942. This period saw the Japanese take the offensive in two major campaigns including the battles of the Coral Sea and Midway—both decided by aircraft carrier actions. You command the United States Navy and Allied forces while the game system controls the Imperial Japanese Navy. You take on the role of Adm. Nimitz in terms of the options available and decisions you can make to repel the Japanese Navy’s drive across the Pacific. You must defeat multiple naval offensives, each possessing superior numbers. The key to winning is to balance your limited assets to meet the threats presenting themselves over the course of the game. The course of the war in the Pacific is at stake.

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Bulge: The Battle for the Ardennes, 16 Dec 1944-2 Jan 1945
Bulge: The Battle for the Ardennes, 16 Dec 1944-2 Jan 1945
Price: $35.00

One of the most famous battles of World War II is re-created in this fast paced game. Bulge simulates Hitler’s desperate gamble to halt the Allied advance through the west by unleashing his powerful armored forces through the Ardennes. A scattered American force must hold back the panzers until sufficient reinforcements arrive.
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Battle for Germany Deluxe Edition
Battle for Germany Deluxe Edition
Price: $60.00

Hitler's Third Reich was clearly beaten in early December 1944 as Anglo-American and Soviet armies reached Germany's borders to the east and west. The only questions remaining were how long it would take to finish the job, and how many more would die in the process. Hitler gambled his last reserves in an offensive through the Ardennes, hoping to split the Anglo-Americans and force them to the negotiating table. It failed, and a month later the final Allied offensives began. The overwhelmed German army gave ground grudgingly and even launched local counteroffensives but could not stop the tide as the Allies picked up speed. Allied leaders strove to finish the war, all the while looking toward the shape of postwar Europe. The race was on for the final prize: Berlin.
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D-Day Quad
D-Day Quad
Price: $70.00

The D-Day Quad uses the Fire & Movement system, designed to highlight the ability of motorized units to mass quickly for breakthrough and exploitation. Support fire, representing weapons ranging from mortars through cannon and light ground attack aircraft to heavy bombers, provides the extra punch to overwhelm a defense or shatter an attack. Winning the battle is a matter of maneuver, firepower, and asset management.
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D-Day Quad Kit
D-Day Quad Kit
Price: $30.00

This is an update kit for the D-Day Folios. This is NOT the full game! It only includes the following contents.


  • One 34×22 inch mounted game board
  • Color Rules Booklet
  • Player Aid Card
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Lucky Forward: The Lorraine Campaign
Lucky Forward: The Lorraine Campaign
Price: $240.00

Lucky Forward: The Lorraine Campaign
This GOSS series game presents Third Army’s Fall 1944 offensive to just before the Germans launch their Ardennes Offensive further north. The battles of Metz, Fort Driant, and the German counteroffensive attempt against Patton using the new German Panzer Brigades are included. Smaller scenarios allow players to game smaller periods of time in each of the four months making up the campaign. Variant counters are included for an optional airborne operation.
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GOSS 2020 Updated Player Aid Cards Kit
GOSS 2020 Updated Player Aid Cards Kit
Price: $5.00


GOSS 2020 Updated Player Aid Cards Kit


  • PAC 3: GA Procedures & Ground Assault Tables on front, UTC on back (11 x 17, folded).
  • PAC 6: Sequence of Play
  • PAC 7: Air Operation Procedures
  • PAC 8: Logistic Procedures
  • PAC 9: FS Mission Procedures
  • PAC 10: Movement and Stacking
  • PAC 11: Command and GenS Procedure
  • PAC 12: Modes and Construction Procedures
  • PAC 14: Ground Assault Resolution Procedures.
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RAF Deluxe Edition Kit
RAF Deluxe Edition Kit
Price: $48.00

This is an update kit for RAF Deluxe Edition box game. This is NOT the full game! It only includes the following contents.
This kit is for customers that had the 1st edition to bring their game up to the 3rd edition.


  • Double sided mounted board
  • 3 Color Rule Booklets
  • 4 double sided PACs
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Desert Fox Deluxe
Desert Fox Deluxe
Price: $120.00

Desert Fox Deluxe covers the campaign from the Italian invasion of Egypt in 1940 to the final clearance of Africa in 1943. One player commands the Axis forces, the other the Allies. The Axis seeks to maintain a presence in North Africa while the Allies fight to eliminate it. Six maps cover the battlefields from Algiers to Alexandria at 10 miles to the hex. Each turn represents one month of real time. Combat units are regiments or brigades, with some divisions and specialist battalions.
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