alejandro anzuinelli from olivos, bs as Argentina
Pros: Faithful recreation of the boardgame, which means you can now play even when you do not have plenty of time! Lots of historical value (hover the mouse on every unit and a label will pop up stating its details). This is better if you are reading a book of the era (like Osprey Series or fiction as "Sharpe in Waterloo"). Immersion! lots of it! No calculations as the software makes that for you.
Cons: Hexes and counters are too small, even having a big screen. No zoom?! Well, at least I cannot find it yet! Graphic quality of the counters shoud be better. As it is right now I´d say is below average (for the price tag, IMHO it should be higher). I love to see a battle and how it develops while I enjoy the view of the counters and terrain, of course it could just be me...
Conclusion: Good pc boardgame. I would give it a 5 stars were the hexes bigger and counters more appealing to the eyes.
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15 of 15 people found the following review helpful:
Napoleon's Last Battles
December 7, 2011
Eric Larsen from Salinas, CA United States
An excellent computer rendition of the old classic SPI board game. I didn't find the three new scenarios listed in the game's selling page, I wonder if these only show up for PBEM play. It would be great to have scenarios with the campaign rules of command control and optional rules plus fog of war for hot seat mode.
I found a few bugs like not being able to get the cavalry retreat feature working in hot seat mode in the campaign game. It would not seem to recognize my clicking on the 2-1 odds to replace the question mark. There's an LOS problem when firing artillery from Maransart north two hexes to the woods hex across the stream. Other than that it's remarkably clean for a computer wargame. Despite the rules saying that the optional victory rules aren't in the computer version they indeed are there for the campaign game, an added bonus.
I would also like to see an easy way to delete old games from the menu.